The tiger's wife

Ангилал: Books

The tiger's wife

Зохиолч: Téa Obreht

  • ISBN: 978-07538-2-740--6
  • Хавтас: Зөөлөн
  • Хэвлэгдсэн он: 2011
  • Хуудас: 335
  • Хэмжээ: 198*128мм
  • Жин: 215
  • Үлдэгдэл: Дууссан

  • 0.0

  • Үндсэн үнэ: 20,720 ₮
  • Хямдарсан үнэ: 0 ₮
  • Төлөх үнэ: 20,720 ₮

The Tiger's Wife is set in an unnamed Balkan country, spanning the mid 20th-century to the early 21st century. It features a young doctor's relationship with her grandfather and the stories he tells her, primarily about the 'deathless man' who meets him several times in different places and never changes, and a deaf-mute girl from his childhood village who befriends a tiger that has escaped from a zoo.

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