The greatest salesman in the world
- ISBN: 0-553-27757-x
- Хавтас: Зөөлөн
- Хэвлэгдсэн он:
- Хуудас: 112
- Хэмжээ: 130х198 мм
- Жин: 146
- Үлдэгдэл: Дууссан
“Every sales manager should read The Greatest Salesman in the World. It is a book to keep at the bedside, or on the living room table—a book to dip into as needed, to browse in now and then, to enjoy in small stimulating portions. It is a book for the hours and for the years, a book to turn to over and over again, as to a friend, a book of moral, spiritual and ethical guidance, an unfailing source of comfort and inspiration