My super Bestie

Ангилал: Үлгэр

My super Bestie

Зохиолч: Эрдэнэпил Амарзаяа

  • ISBN: 978-9919-98-076-4
  • Хавтас: зөөлөн
  • Хэвлэгдсэн он: 2022
  • Хуудас: 137
  • Хэмжээ: 145х205 мм
  • Жин: 200
  • Үлдэгдэл: Дууссан

  • 0.0

  • Үндсэн үнэ: 22,000 ₮
  • Хямдарсан үнэ: 0 ₮
  • Төлөх үнэ: 22,000 ₮

Maralmaa is a 13-year-old shy girl. One day, she wants to make a change, goes out, and meets other kids. Among them, she likes Teni and Jargal the most. They are two different worlds and two different personalities... Each of the boys draws Maralmaa into their world… Who will be Maralmaa's super bestie…

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